Wednesday, December 5, 2007

TT#21 | 13 Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic

This week's T13 isn't political----it's some useful tips for increasing your blog traffic (many of them quite easy to do). It also addresses those new problems with Blogspot that mean those of us who use other platforms can't link to our blogs (hence this blog). This is part 2 of a 2-part series.

Our favorite way of helping out our commenters is, of course, making a list of everyone who commented within our T13 (and at its end). Consider it. It gives people who took the time to comment a real time link!

So anyway, go to:

TT#21 | 13 Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic

Friday, November 30, 2007

TT # 20 | 13 Hippie Songs About War and the Age of Aquarius

We are learning that if we want to network with people at Blogspot, we need to have a blogspot blog, Many of you don't have your comments set to allow Typepad users to link directly to their blogs.

Our T13 for 11-29-07 is here.